The Reach Free School Rickmansworth 

Willmott Dixon 
Architect: Corde Ltd
Construction of new secondary school

New Secondary School in Rickmansworth

HBC led the compliance process on the construction of this new secondary school in Rickmansworth, Hertfordshire. This incorporated the construction of a two-storey academic building; ancillary sports hall and facilities; playing fields and landscaping; together with new car parking areas; drop-off and related highway works including a new roundabout to facilitate access.

The new build secondary school for 11-19 year olds replaces the Reach School’s existing temporary premises at Wolsey Business Park.  The proposed 4fe secondary school when fully occupied, provides placements for 840 students and 80 Full Time Equivalent (FTE) staff. 

The building has an irregular ‘L’ shaped footprint, with its form made up of a series of connecting two-storey flat elements, with a gross internal area of 6,527 square metres.  The building would appear flat roofed due to a parapet surround which would screen rooflignts, plant equipment and photovoltaics. Each element of the roof has slight fall to aid run-off. 

During its construction the contractors have shown the highest levels of consideration towards the public, its workforce and the environment through adhering to the Considerate Construction Scheme’s five-point Code of Considerate Practice.