The Future Homes Standard

Future Homes Standard CPD event flyer

Our speaker Trevor Clements MRICS AIFireE from Hertfordshire Building Control will be taking us through The Future Homes Standard and looking at the implications. The Standard is the interim step towards achieving the aim of carbon zero new housing in 2050. A small contribution towards the global effort to act on carbon emission levels and climate change.

  • Future Homes Standard implementation timeline
  • Amended Approved Document L
  • Amended Approved Document F
  • All New Approved Document – Overheating


Watch the webinar here:

This webinar was recorded on 24 November 2021, before the new standards came into force on 15 June 2022. It is intended to be used as a guide since there may have been new information introduced since the date of recording.

To watch our previous webinars look at our CPD library.

To find out more about the Future Homes Standard

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