Hatfield Regeneration Project Update

Page HEading One Town Centre and Link Drive with photo of Link Drive

Our marketing manager Rachel Legood recently had the opportunity to visit the One Town Centre and Link Drive developments in Hatfield in conjunction with Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council.

One Town Centre

The One Town Centre project was part of the Hatfield Regeneration Programme and brings 71 modern homes, including 38 socially rented flats, as well as new retail and leisure spaces to Hatfield town centre. As a leading provider of partnership housing, the Lovells Partnership delivered the development. With high environmental standards, the homes feature the energy-efficient Nilan units to supply hot water and heating.

Regeneration work completed to date includes the transformation of White Lion Square and the innovative design and construction of the award-winning Common Multi Storey Car Park.

Cllr Lynn Chesterman OBE, WHBC Deputy Leader, said:

“The One Town Centre development breathes new life into this part of Hatfield, providing a key gateway to the town.”

Link Drive

Collaborating with Lovell Partnership on the Link Drive project, situated adjacent to the town centre in the heart of Hatfield, involves the construction of 80 contemporary apartments with a mixture of one and two-bedroom apartments. The project is a further important step in Welwyn Hatfield Borough Council’s ambitious regeneration programme for Hatfield. Anticipated for completion this summer 2024, the project promises to enhance the residential landscape, with its contemporary design and convenient location.

The new homes are designed to support the borough’s climate pledge by being built without gas! Instead, they utilise low-energy Nilan units providing heating, ventilation and hot water. Designed to provide both fresh air and warmth to homes and buildings, they are a beacon of energy efficiency. The Nilan units provide daily air exchange removing dust particles, smells and excess humidity, fostering a comfortable indoor environment. With an integrated heat pump, these units also provide cooling via their reverse cycle function. This ensures consistent temperatures for all seasons and prevents overheating issues.








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