Paris Olympic Insights – Achieving our Potential

Paris Olympic athletes epitomise excellence, dedication, and resilience. Their journey to the top offers valuable insights to inspire us. Whilst we will never be able to comprehend the sheer strength of mind it takes to compete at this level, watching some of the athlete interviews give us a good insight into it! By drawing parallels between their rigorous training and the development of skills in building control, we can achieve our highest potential in ensuring safety and compliance in construction projects.

Setting Clear Goals

Olympic athletes set specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals to track their progress and stay motivated. Likewise, we use this process as part of our ongoing effort to support staff development, promote equity throughout the organisation and to support the growth of Broste Rivers from a strategic and sustainable perspective.

Consistent Practice and Improvement

Athletes train rigorously every day to refine their skills. Consistency is key to mastering any craft, and building control is no exception. Our training sessions whether internal or externally provided, and hands-on experience keep us honing in on consistent practice and continuous improvement.

Coaching and Mentorship

Top athletes have coaches who provide feedback, guidance, and support. Similarly, our mentorship in building control accelerates professional growth. Being an inspiration to the rest of the team fosters a collaborative environment and makes for an easier transfer of knowledge.

Adaptability and Innovation

Athletes adapt to new techniques, equipment, and changing competition. We must stay updated with evolving building regulations which over the past year has been a huge learning curve. We invest in continuous education and are open to adopting new methods that can improve efficiency and effectiveness.

Mental Resilience

Olympic athletes develop mental toughness to handle competition pressure. Whilst we cannot compare this on the same level we also need resilience to handle the demands of our jobs. A supportive environment where inspectors and building control staff can build resilience and handle work pressure with confidence helps us navigate the challenges of our different roles with greater ease and assurance.

Celebrate Successes

Athletes celebrate their victories, which boosts morale and motivation. Recognising achievements in building control is equally important. Whether it’s obtaining a new certification level or successfully completing a complex inspection, acknowledging our hard work can do lots for our motivation. Celebrating our successes fosters a positive work environment and encourages continuous improvement.

We hope you’ve enjoyed following our ‘gold medal moments’ on our social media pages – our business highlights from 2024 – we have much to celebrate! Read about Steve Morrow’s success following his career change.

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