Send us your project details from here and
we will get back to you.


Our fees are shown via our application portal. * Please note that our fees increased on the 1st January 2025
* The structural calculations you provide should be designed or checked by a Chartered Structural Engineer (MIStructE). If this hasn’t been done, and our consultant engineers need to review the calculations, an additional fee of £75 + VAT may apply for the structural check.



Online Applications

Online application forms have been updated to reflect the changes to the building regulations process on 1st October 2023. For general information on the legislative changes download ‘New Legislation Guidance’. Please ensure that you include all relevant details of your project in your application.

As an alternative to HBC’s online application you can apply via the Planning Portal, the national service for planning and building control applications, partnered with local authorities in England. They simplify access to information and services and you can work on your applications in draft before submission, you can also make a simple online payment.



For Full Plans applications – before submitting your online application please ensure you have the following:

  • Site Plan
  • Block Plan
  • Existing Floor Plans
  • Proposed Floor Plans
  • Section Drawing(s)
  • Elevation Drawings
  • Construction Specification (which may be annotated on the above and not a separate document)
  • Structural Calculations (which may or may not be accompanied by structural plans showing the position of beams, columns etc if not marked on the architectural plans)

PDF Application Forms

Our application forms have been updated to reflect the changes to the building regulations process come 1st October. For general information on the legislative changes download our guide



  1. Download the relevant form from the buttons below and save it locally
  2. Fill in your details with any PDF editor
  3. Save the file (add your name to the filename)
  4. Email the form to us at

Building Notices PDF Form

This form of application is more suited to small basic schemes where the applicant and builder are fully conversant with the applicable Building Regulations requirements. To lodge the application you only need to submit the application form, the appropriate fee, and in some cases a site location plan. Whilst a convenient and fast method of application it has the disadvantage that we do not formally check plans and specifications for compliance in advance of the work being carried out. Consequently, there is a risk that we will only discover non-compliant work when we carry out our site inspections and this can necessitate expensive remedial works.

In some cases, our building control inspectors will need to ask for plans, specifications, and structural calculations to provide a record of the construction and demonstrate compliance while the work is being carried out.

A Full Plans application avoids this risk giving you the reassurance that you can safely build in accordance with a checked and approved design

*A Building Notice is only acceptable for works on domestic properties.  All work relating to commercial premises must be submitted on a Full Plans application*



Full Plans Application / Submission PDF Form

With a Full Plans application you need to submit detailed drawings, specifications and (in some cases) structural design calculations with your application form and fee payment. We check these for compliance and contact you if we need any amendments or further information before issuing an approval.

You can confidently build to approved details in the knowledge that the work should be approved by our building control inspectors unless there are previously unknown factors that come to light during the project.



Statutory Notices






Connectivity Plans

Building Regulations for New Dwellings and Infrastructure for Electronic Communications

On 26 December 2022, the requirements of Part R of Schedule 1 to the Building Regulations 2010 – Infrastructure for electronic communications took effect in England. All building notices, full plans applications or initial notice submissions for new dwellings after this date must be accompanied by a Connectivity Plan. Without this document, the application or notice cannot be validated.

The Approved Document R Volume 1 defines the Connectivity plan as: –

A model form template for developers to provide information to accompany each application for Building Regulations approval containing sections for information that developers are required to provide, including the particulars of connection to a public electronic communications network, and sections for developers to provide further information to assist with the building control process.

The details on the scope and submission of the Connectivity plan can be found in Approved Document R Volume 1, Section 3 (page 19) and the Model form template in Appendix B may be used. Please see the fillable form below

Form ADR_1

Please note, a connectivity plan is not required for major renovation works, which are covered under guidance in Approved Document R Volume 2

Regularisation PDF Form

This is the method of applying for retrospective approval for work that has been carried out without Building Regulations approval. To be acceptable the applicant needs to include drawings (plans sections and elevations) and detailed specifications for the building work with the completed form and appropriate fee. This needs to, as far as possible, demonstrate that the work complies with the appropriate building regulations.

We recognise that some elements of the construction may be hidden from view so it is not possible to provide detailed information. On receipt of the application, a Surveyor will check the information and arrange to visit the property. In many cases, they will need to ask the applicant to expose part of the structure in order to satisfy themselves that it meets the minimum standards.

If we can establish that the work is compliant then we will issue a Regularisation Certificate to confirm that having taken reasonable steps to assess the work it appears to accord with the Building Regulations.



Demolition of Buildings

To notify us of a demolition, please email the following details to

  1. Full location of demolition site with site plan
  2. Contact details of the person submitting the application (including email address)
  3. The person responsible for carrying out the demolition work
  4. Proposed start date
  5. Estimated duration of work
  6. Note: a fee of £400.00 is applicable – Please confirm in your email whom we should contact to collect this fee.



Personal Search Agents

From Monday 11th March 2019 there is a charge for using the online search portal. The process works on the purchase of credits that are used for individual purchases. The more credits that are purchased, the less the cost per search. The table of charges is below:

1 – 49 searches = £10.00 for 5 searches
50 – 99 searches = £9.75 for 5 searches
100+ searches = £9.50 for 5 searches

If you are a new user please register on the portal and you will be taken through the payments process. You will require a debit or credit card to make the payment.

The system remembers how many credits you have purchased and will carry forward the balance unused for the next time you log in.

We recommend that to maximize the probability of you finding the property you require you start with the street name. This will maximize the number of returns, and you can filter down the results without using up further credits until you find the property you require.

This payable service allows for a timely and immediate search query.


Please refer to our privacy policy for the full story on how we protect and manage your submitted data:
General Data Protection Regulation Policy


Our BCC Consultancy Company under the Broste Rivers group of companies operates throughout England and can help with Major projects and multi disciplinary teams


Do you have a question about Building Regulations?

Speak to one of our Team about your project